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Mountain meat sells for millions in the United States, and the government estimates that 1

Mountain meat sells for millions in the United States, and the government estimates that 1.9 million people worldwide have “gut” meat in their bodies. This could mean that most of us eat meat with a healthy diet and consume enough calories to fuel a full-time job. Yet, while we’ve become aware of the health risks of eating a d우리카지노iet that우리카지노 contains too many calories, 바카라we haven’t become much concerned about the food industry’s attempts to make this dangerous meat easier to eat, cheaper, tastier and healthier.

Since 2007, major meat companies have tried to create healthier meat by marketing artificially modified meat—meat that, when cooked, contains artificial colors and chemicals like sodium nitrite, a carcinogen that’s banned in every state but allows in some processed foods. And the FDA is trying to stop the food industry from marketing to kids through “Big Mac” and “Mac n Cheese,” meat substitutes that give kids extra calories—even though the FDA does not currently allow such foods in its food pyramid.

Meanwhile, Big Food has made millions off of selling the health risks of artificial meat. We all know that eating genetically altered food is unsafe, but not enough people are talking about the food industry’s tactics to keep selling harmful artificial meat.

Дата публикации: 05-09-2020 Автор: Андрей Семенов

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